Atrieve - Saskatchewan districts are reporting connectivity issues while using Atrieve
Incident Report for PowerSchool Products
This incident has been resolved.
Posted Sep 11, 2024 - 22:30 PDT
PowerSchool has received confirmation that SaskTel implemented a change last night to their Education Division. Thank you to one of our customers who provided the following detailed information and resolution to share with our affected customers:

With the change that got implemented by Sasktel, which was an insertion or change to BGP routes, the individual divisions need to refresh their firewall Xlate and NAT Translations tables to force a purge of cache and hence force a total use of the upstream changes, otherwise there will be timeout of connections initiated as the return traffic is still using an old translation metric, leading to timeouts. For those that can handle some downtime, you can also re-initialize your firewalls (reboot) and it will do the same.
Posted Sep 11, 2024 - 10:58 PDT
Upon investigation by PowerSchool, we have been able to confirm that there are no infrastructure issues in our data center and have confirmed with customers in other provinces that they have not been experiencing the same problems this morning.

PowerSchool has contacted Sasktel on behalf of our Saskatchewan customers but we have been informed that they will not assist us as we are not a customer of theirs, and they have instructed us that the school divisions need to contact Sasktel to report a problem.

We are recommending that you contact your service provider to submit a ticket to see if they can assist in troubleshooting the network issue being experienced.

A test that may assist Sasktel is running the following command at the Windows command prompt and sharing the results with them:

(select one of the three of the following commands)

We appreciate your patience as we tried to resolve the incident that is impacting our Saskatchewan customers. We will continue to investigate and monitor to the best of our abilities, however, at this stage, we have narrowed the issue down to something likely happening at Sasktel or in the province.
Posted Sep 11, 2024 - 09:56 PDT
We are receiving reports of Atrieve connectivity issues from our customers in Saskatchewan. Our teams are currently investigating the incident to determine where the problem exists.
Posted Sep 11, 2024 - 08:32 PDT
This incident affected: Atrieve (HOST06, HOST32, HOST36).